
5 Ways to Get Out of the Summer Slump and Get Ready for the New School Year

It’s that time of year! Time to head back to school. For some, this is the first time you will be leaving your little ones for their first day of school. For others, it’s your last day taking part in this annual tradition. For the rest, you maybe somewhere in between. Regardless, it is hard to get out of that summertime slump. 

Here are a few tips to help get back into the routine.

  • Change bedtime. This will take time, but backing up bedtime in fifteen to thirty-minute increments will get your student used to going to bed earlier.  Don’t expect that your child will fall asleep right away, however maintaining a routine will help make the adjustment. 
  • Establish bedtime and morning routines.Are you a morning or evening person? What about your student? Either way, set aside time to get backpacks, snacks, lunch, etc. ready. Importantly, involve your student! They are more likely to eat snack and lunch when involved in the selection and preparation process.
  • Make a practice trip.The traffic patterns in the morning now that school is starting are different.  If possible, make the drive to school at the same time you will be leaving the house.  Those students who drive should also take a practice trip at the same time they expect to leave on the first day of school.
  • Set expectations. With your student, set up before and after school expectations. Think about rules for play/free time and access to technology as well as where and when homework will be completed.
  • Talk.A range of emotions surround the start of a new school year. Talk to your student and ask questions! Validate feelings of excitement, happiness, worry, nervousness, and anxiety. Also, be aware that these feelings might result in physical symptoms such as aches and pains or the inability to fall asleep. It’s all normal, even for adults.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back for a great school year!