
Early Childhood
(PreK3, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten)

Early childhood student walking confidently on campus

Your child’s future is our priority today.

Academy’s PreK3 and two Kindergarten programs provide students with a full day of educational instruction and enrichment in an environment that nurtures their minds and bodies and fuels their natural love of learning. This includes PreK3, Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten.
Our Early Childhood curriculum: 
  • Employs a multi-sensory program geared to the developmental needs of all children.
  • Provides a print-rich environment.
  • Encourages independent and creative thinking skills as well as creative self-expression.
  • Teaches respect and an understanding of the differences of others.
  • Incorporates play to teach children how to share, cooperate, take turns, and work together in a respectful manner.
  • Fosters exploration and discovery.
  • Utilizes phonics and whole language approach.
  • Provides frequent opportunities for writing and drawing as expressions of concepts or experiences.
  • Lays the foundation for character education.
  • Incorporates technology and includes music, drama, visual arts, PE, and Spanish.
The Admissions Team offers personal tours to fit your schedule. Tours are scheduled Monday-Friday.

Early Childhood writing
Early Childhood Performing Arts

Early Childhood

Lower Division

Middle Division

Upper Division